Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 39 : What Pregnancy Taught Me

First and foremost, thanks be to God for this wonderful, miraculous journey. For over 9 months now, all sorts of feelings are still raining cats and dogs on me. And I discovered that having a life in my womb has been different than I could have ever initially expected.. in so many ways.

My Body...
Above photo: Week 33

During the first trimester, I was really, really excited to be pregnant. Couldn't believe the fact that I could still use my pre-pregnancy outfit during the first 3 months. I felt myself blossoming during the second trimester and bought some new stretchable cotton dresses and inner-wears. Now after 9 months, as much as I am still excited being pregnant, I can't lie and tell you that I was all jollied up about all the changes in my body that are inevitably coming.. There have certainly been times (particularly the last couple of weeks) where seeing my shape change was difficult. I kept thinking on things I must do after delivery to get rid of the extra double-chin I developed and my engorged thighs, just to name a few. But now as I am sitting here counting days with a giant belly resting on my edematous lap, a glow in my cheeks, and the new-found strength in my wobbly legs, I can proudly say that I am totally in love with my pregnant body. I realized that pregnancy has given me a level of body confidence that I never knew I could have. Baby's aura!

My Workouts...
Above: Me & hubby strolling along Sentosa Boardwalk (Week 24).

While getting fit and working hard to lose weight in the past made me feel great inside and out, these days I consider a thirty minute walk to be an awesome physical accomplishment each day. A year ago I wouldn’t have even considered that to be an exercise. And while I’m really looking forward to getting back into my running shoes soon enough, it has also been a nice lesson to me that workouts don’t all have to be back-breaking and intense. It can be just as effective to slow down sometimes.

My Symptoms...
From what I read, early pregnancy symptoms are many! Maybe it is all over-hyped, or maybe I just got lucky – who knows. But my symptoms during the first trimester was almost close to none, and I am most definitely grateful for it. Second trimester was just as great, I worked as usual at the MP Vet Centre until week 30. And then third trimester said hello... :)

Week 38 & 39 Swollen feet (pitting edema) and swollen legs (water retention).
While I had my fair share of the above and finding it so hard to sleep due to backaches, beyond that I have really felt great through this whole pregnancy.
Cravings? No particular food actually... Well okay, I did ask for some nice, authentic dish once in a while though. Big thank you for those who made the effort to have them prepared for me!

My Relationship...
Above photo: Week 20
For the past two months until now up to end of confinement, I am and will still be staying in Sabah while my husband works at Singapore. We only meet once a month and it's been rather an emotional ride for me. Despite the distance, I make no secret of the fact that my husband and I are incredibly close. Being pregnant has enhanced the way I see him now. He’s no longer just my husband and my partner. He’s going to be the father to my kids, and something about that makes me all mushy and teary every time it crossed my mind.
I am really looking forward to seeing him hold his son for the first time...

My Confidence...
The biggest lesson I learn from pregnancy is to stay strong and believe in myself. I have asked a lot, read books, magazines, and websites, and have educated myself as best as possible. A year ago I was not sure I would have felt ready or responsible enough to be able to give enough care for another life. But with just approximately ONE WEEK left, I can confidently say that I am most definitely ready to be a mom.

Now watch my primgravida belly moves! :)


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